Having repaid government support, its share price is back to three-quarters of its record high. 偿清政府援助资金之后,其股价已回升至历史高位的四分之三。
Demand for aluminium is also forecast to remain robust, which should support a high metal price. 预计铝的需求也将保持强劲,从而为高企的铝价提供支撑。
But others, such as Iran and Venezuela, are pushing for an output cut to support the price later in the year when demand is expected to dip. 但是其他国家,如伊朗和委内瑞拉,正在努力降低产量以支撑后半年因需求减少而降低的油价。
The reform in1992 touched the core of the cap with direct the support policy of market price to the support policy of producer income. 其中1992年的改革第一次将市场价格支持政策转向生产者收入支持政策,触动了共同农业政策的核心部分。
We are trapped by our handouts and welfare support, and the price is unfeasible budget deficits and mounting debt. 我们的政府救济和福利制度让我们无法脱身,而代价就是不可维系的预算赤字和不断攀升的债务。
Stabilization Activities by an underwriter to support the offering price of a new issue stock in the aftermarket. 稳定化承销商在后市市场支持新股招股价的行动。
Yahoo Inc and its authorised agents will be able to borrow from the facility to support stock price. 雅虎公司及其授权的代理机构将能够向这类工具中借款以支撑股价。
We should be flexible while fixing the minimum support price. 我们应该是灵活而确定最低支持价格。
Support price of European Common Market 欧洲共同市场支持价格
The lack of heavy selling is important for gold prices both because a significant source of supply has been withdrawn from the market, and because it has given psychological support to the gold price. 大规模售金行动的消失,对金价有着重要影响,原因有二:一是一个重要的黄金供应源撤出了市场,二是它为金价提供了心理支撑。
Support price of farm produce of USA 美国农产品支持价格
Most in that market feel final acres may not be enough to satisfy demand and this could support higher price action into the summer. 大多数观点认为最终种植面积可能不足以满足需求,这会支撑期价在夏季上涨。
"The fundamentals absolutely do not support the current price," the buyer said. “原则上绝对不支持当前的价格,”此买家说。
Meanwhile, the World Bank announced more than 1,000 companies and investors had expressed support for putting a price on the carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels that drive climate change. 与此同时,世界银行(worldbank)宣布1000多家企业和投资者已表示,支持对燃烧化石燃料所产生的二氧化碳排放设定一个价格,碳排放是气候变化的推手之一。
Support is the price level at which demand is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from declining further. 支持的价格水平上的需求被认为是足够强大,以防止价格进一步下降。
Support price. so, how do you support your price? 你如何支持产品的价格呢?
Supply disruptions in Iraq and Libya this month have also offered some support to the price. 2月份伊拉克和利比亚发生供应中断,也对价格提供了一定支撑。
Though the very strong surge in energy and commodity prices last year has not been sustained, there is still sufficient global demand to support an oil price of around$ 100 per barrel. 尽管去年能源和大宗商品价格强劲飙升的势头没有维持下去,但全球需求仍足以支撑每桶100美元左右的油价。
The more we studied the conservation impacts of timber and agricultural commodity markets, the more convinced we became that attempting to support these markets through price premiums for green products is not the only way to encourage conservation. 对于保育在林业与农产品市场的影响力,我们研究得愈多,就愈确信:藉由提高绿色产品的价格来支持这个市场,并非鼓励保育的唯一方法。
The money will allow farmers'associations to buy tobacco during the auctions, a strategy aimed at forcing national and international tobacco buyers to pay at least the minimum support price. 这笔资金将使烟农协会能够在拍卖期间购买烟草,这是一项旨在迫使国内和国际烟草购买商至少要支付最低支持价格的战略。
Functions of decision making support system for price bidding 竞价上网辅助决策技术支持系统功能初探
Research on Principle of Grain Support Price Policy and Necessity of Carrying Out the Policy in Our Country 粮食价格支持政策理论和我国实行的必要性研究
This paper researched and built the decision support system for price bidding of power plant, which is suit for the system reform of electric power in our country and can be adapted to the demands of the power market development. 本论文结合我国电力体制改革和电力市场建设的要求,研究并开发了发电公司竞价上网决策支持系统。
We use econometric model to analyze the impact resulted from the production support policies and price support policy, and use DEA model to analysis the efficiency of fiscal support policy. 在方法上运用计量经济模型,分析农业生产支持政策与价格支持政策对农业生产者的影响以及国家财政对农业支持的效果、效益和效率;
In the context of the current dual economic structure, a new rural capital supportive system must be established, consisting of fiscal support system, price support system, financial support system, collective and farmer support system and international capital support system. 在现有的二元经济结构下,必须构建新型的农村资本支持体系,该体系主要由财政支持体系、价格支持体系、金融支持体系、集体和农户支持体系以及国际资本支持体系等部分有机组成。
The scaling retailers compel the producers to reduce the price by their channel power, or support the price war by charging channel fees. 规模零售商凭借其渠道力量迫使生产商进行价格减让或收取通道费以支持其价格战。
Development and Application of Decision Support System for Price Bidding of Power Plant 发电厂竞价上网决策支持系统的开发与应用
Fiscal support for promoting agricultural development and increasing the farmers 'income, speed up the development of social undertakings has an important meaning, and the government by using subsidies, support price, for agricultural infrastructure construction of input mode and realization of agricultural advice and help. 财政支农对促进农业发展、增加农民收入、加快农村社会事业发展具有重要意义,政府通过采用补贴、支持价格、对农业基础设施建设的投入等方式,实现对农业的指导和帮助。
However, there are many reasons that affect the growth of farmers 'income, as a result, the solution ways to the increase of farmers' income are various, such as policy support, price subsidies of agricultural products, adjustment of agricultural structure. 然而,影响农民收入增长的原因是多方面的,提高农民收入的途径也有很多:政策支持、农产品价格补贴、农业产业结构调整等。